Mar 23, 2009

Exciting News!!

I want to begin by thanking everyone who purchased a raffle ticket for the Gallery Wrap Canvas Photo Collage.  I am very moved by the Kelley family and what they are doing, and now they are a little closer to bringing their baby boy home.

Now, for some other exciting news.  I am in the process of getting a REAL LIVE WEBSITE!  I will still have the blog to keep everyone up -to-date and showcase the latest projects, but the website will be where you will go to purchase items and submit custom orders.  I am hoping this will streamline the ordering process for both myself and you, the customer, and allow each of us to spend a little less time in front of the computer, and little more time with our children and families.  I will still be emailing with people over custom orders, but the site should provide a lot more guidance and information on all products and processes.

I am really excited about this and can't wait until I am able to officially launch.  In the meantime, if you normally visit the blog via the web address,, you may have noticed some temporary changes.  It no longer links you here, so you will have to come directly to the blog for a while to get all the current info.
Thanks so much to everyone who has made this venture such a success for me.  Our family is very blessed by it :)

I will leave you with some "visuals" of recent orders, all with customers own photos.

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