It's been a LONG while since I've blogged, but just wanted to share what we were up to the past few days a free Valentine printable.
When my little guy announced that he was going to
hand make each and every one of the Valentine's for his 18 friends at preschool, I was a less than thrilled. Normally I would be all about this, but since I have a newborn here, I don't have much time for arts and crafts each day :) He was so sweet about wanting to make them himself, I couldn't discourage him.
He planned early and started making them
two weeks ago, and worked on them a little each day. He was very serious about writing each of his friend's names himself. There aren't many five year olds like him. He is such a little man. I love him so much!

Love his sweet little handwriting on the finished products :)
I guess his enthusiasm inspired me, because I decided to make up some little treats to go with them. At his preschool, a lot of the other kids are always bringing little candy and gifts for the holidays, and I am usually kind of a slacker when it comes to that. A friend of mine who had brought us dinner after the baby was born included this delicious s'mores snack mix as the dessert, so I decided that would be a good treat for the kids. Here are the treats we made up:

I made up the bag toppers in Photoshop and they are available for download
The S'mores Snack Mix:1 box of Golden Grahams Cereal
1 Package of Miniature Marshmallows
1 Package of Milk Chocolate Chips (We used Hershey's)
Mix together.
We added some cute Heart Shaped Marshmallows we found just for fun.
Just scoop some S'Mores snack mix into sandwich size zipper baggies, print the toppers on cardstock, cut out and fold in half, and staple to the top of each bag. Super simple and super cute :)